UWA 3D Open Art Challenge

The following are all of the UTSA Awardees in the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge:


November, 2010
Tani Thor - "Omaggio a Aloisio Congrejo"

December, 2010
Trill Zapatero - "Painterarium"

January, 2011
fiona Blaylock - "Angelove"

February, 2011
Jimmy Debruyere - "Seed Totem"

March, 2011
Gingered Alsop - "Shattered"

April, 2011
Cherry Manga - "Baudelaire"

May, 2011
Anley Piers - "Death to profit"

June, 2011
Kolor Fall - "BeforeY"

July, 2011
Anley Piers - "Fantasy"

August, 2011
Romy Nayar - "En el Viento- In the Wind"